By Kerry Hale

Mira Flight Shower Trays Q&A

  • Thursday 06 April 2017
  • 6 minute read

Last year marked the production of our millionth shower tray! As the demand for Mira shower trays continues to increase, our shower tray range has continued to grow with it. With new shapes, sizes, colours and the introduction of the Mira Flight Safe range, there’s no better time for us to walk you through our innovative range in Q&A with our Trays Product Manager.

Where are Mira Shower trays made?

We are proud to make all of our Mira shower trays in Hull, UK, without exception. In 2012, we opened our new semi-automated factory in Hull – 2017’s City of Culture – investing £6m to accommodate the ever-increasing demand. So from design and development, through to manufacture, the entire tray is made from scratch in UK.

Which shapes are Mira shower trays available in?

Mira Showers trays come in six basic shapes: Square, Rectangle, Pentagon, Quadrant, Offset Quadrant and Offset Pentagon.  There are over 30 different sizes including left hand or right hand options on some variants. With shapes to suit your space, there is a Mira Flight tray to suit a vast array of installation requirements. The larger trays also make excellent replacements for a bath, which can make a huge savings in space.

How often will I have to replace my Mira shower tray?

It is likely your Mira tray will outlive the design and layout of you bathroom! As an owner, you have the luxury of deciding as and when to replace the tray rather than being forced into a distress purchase. The tough acrylic-capped resin that is used for all of our Flight trays comes complete with the patented BioCote® technology integrated within it – exclusive to Mira. BioCote® reduces bacteria and mould growth by up to 99.9% for the lifetime of the tray, maintaining the new look of the tray as well as making cleaning easier. The unparalleled production method and quality of the materials means that you have complete peace of mind, with a 10 year guarantee.

Do I need to be a DIY expert to install a Mira shower tray?

You don’t need to be an expert, but certainly confident and competent. The tray is easy to fit with quick push-fit legs on the riser kit or the option of upstand variants for water-tight performance. The range of shapes and sizes available makes choosing and fitting your shower tray easy. Completing the waste pipework is potentially the most difficult part, but the process of fitting the actual tray has been made easy for you.  We supply a waste – or plughole – with every one of our trays to make the selection of a shower tray simple. 18% of our trays weigh less than 25kg, meaning they can be carried upstairs by one person with ease – any tray above 25kg should be carried by two persons.

The Mira Flight Low and Flight Safe is only 40 mm high – how does it not overflow?

There are a number of factors that ensure the tray does not overflow. The tray is designed in such a way that all water drains towards the 90mm drain hole as soon as it hits the surface. The high flow waste then takes the water away at 25-30 l/m. There are also standards associated with the installation of the waste pipework that have to be met; there must be 50mm of fall per metre of pipework, for example. This means that the Mira Flight Low and Flight Safe will withstand even a power shower.

What is the difference between the Mira Flight Low and the Mira Flight Safe?

The Mira Flight Safe Shower Tray is the latest addition to the Mira Flight Range. Covered in an exclusive Mira Safe coating, the tray exceeds the most stringent independently tested anti-slip tests (Class C, DIN 51097 ramp test for bare feet). The Mira Flight Safe matches the contemporary design and colour of the Flight Low but, because of the coating, the Mira Flight Safe tray has a matte appearance compared to the shine of the standard acrylic. The Mira Flight Safe costs slightly more, but provides 100% peace of mind.

Is the textured surface of the Mira Flight Safe tray easy to clean?

Put simply, yes. The Mira Flight Safe was designed from day one to be easy to clean – it has been extensively tested with many different chemicals and substances, including blue industrial cleaner and even boot polish! The Mira Flight Safe is very popular in hotels and homes where commercial cleaners are employed. We recommend the use of warm soapy water as this is all that is required. Why don't you check out a previous post on bathroom cleaning for more tips.

Do your shower trays come in different colours?

A select range of our Mira Flight Safe trays now come in 4 different colour options. Choose from White, Titanium Grey, Taupe and Grey Anthracite to make a striking statement in your bathroom.

What are the benefits of a minimalist low profile tray to tanking a wet room?

The tanking of a bathroom is dependent on the installation and sealing of many different components being perfect – some of this risk can be mitigated by installing a Mira Flight tray to cover the area that gets the wettest. The low profile trays can stand alone or be installed sunk down into the floor, so that it is at the same height as the tiled, tanked, floor. Wear and tear can quickly compromise the seals of the tanking (especially with wooden floors), which can lead to a leaky wet room.  Often the best answer is to fit the Mira Flight Low tray – not everyone wants to always walk into a wet room; plus, when you factor in the associated safety issues then a traditional shower tray is the best solution.

Where can I buy one?

You could buy a Mira shower tray at pretty much any regional or national merchants in the country. You can also purchase online through a number of our selected online partners. Visit our Buy Mira section to find your nearest stockist or visit the online partners section.