By Kerry Hale

Essential Bathroom Layout Tips

  • Wednesday 21 September 2022
  • 5 Minute Read

Whether designing a new space or renovating your bathroom, the first step is deciding on the layout. Some things will be non-negotiable, like the location of pipes, but most of the design will be at your discretion. No matter the size of your space or budget, we’ve got plenty of bathroom layout ideas to help you get the most out of the room.

Tips for designing your bathroom

Discover our top tips for designing your bathroom to get the most out of your space. These are some of the most important aspects to consider when planning your bathroom’s layout:

  1. Map out the space
  2. Consider the placement of plumbed fixtures
  3. Create wet and dry zones
  4. Maximise natural light

Map out the space

Unlike bedrooms or living rooms, a bathroom has no room for error. Once the plumbed elements like the sink and toilet have been fitted, that’s where they’ll stay. We recommend mapping out the space using graph paper to draw your bathroom to scale.

This will make it much easier to work out where everything should go and how much room you’ll have for a shower enclosure, bath or both.

Although allowing enough space for fixtures is vital, leaving enough space around them is equally important. If your bathroom is cramped, it won’t be enjoyable to use.

Consider the placement of plumbed fixtures

Your toilet should be the first fixture you factor into the space. Everything else can be arranged around it. However, the positioning of your toilet may be decided for you by where the soil pipe enters the bathroom. You could also consider where and how the door opens to avoid the toilet being in view.

It’s also worth thinking about the flooring at this stage. If you’re waterproofing the floor for a wet room or installing underfloor heating, the bolts securing your fixtures could interfere with pipes. In that case, opt for wall-mounted fittings rather than floor-mounted designs.

Create wet and dry zones

Whether you’re going for a wet room or a traditional bathroom, we recommend separating the space into wet and dry zones. For example, place the sink and toilet on one side of the bathroom and the shower or bath in a different area. Then, once you’ve dried off and dressed after your shower or bath, you won’t get wet socks when walking across the room. In addition, you should invest in a bath mat to help keep the floor dry.

Maximise natural light

If possible, include a window in your bathroom design. Not only will it let in natural light, but it also ventilates the space to prevent mould, mildew or damp. Always choose frosted or decorated glass and install bathroom blinds for added privacy.

Bathroom layout ideas

Whatever size your bathroom, you can ensure the design makes the most of the available space and works for your lifestyle with these bathroom layout ideas.

Small bathroom layout

Even if your home has a small bathroom, you can still accommodate all the necessary fixtures without making the space feel cramped. If you want to maximise floor space, find enclosures and shower trays in various sizes and configurations at Mira. Another way to make your bathroom feel bigger is to utilise any corner spaces by choosing corner showers, sinks and cupboards. Need more inspiration? Discover our top 10 design ideas for small bathrooms.

Medium bathroom layout

Medium-sized bathrooms usually accommodate a bath and shower alongside the other necessary fixtures. You don’t need to include both. However, if you want the luxury of both options, consider a two-in-one bath and shower unit to streamline the design. Then, use the additional space for a storage bench, cupboards or ladder shelving to prevent your bathroom from feeling cluttered. Check out our guide to saving space in your bathroom if you need more organisation tips.

Large bathroom layout

Large bathrooms may seem straightforward to design, as you’ll have plenty of space to play with. However, you don’t want the room to feel empty, so the placement of your fixtures is critical in large bathrooms. More prominent fittings can help fill the space without being overpowering. For example, a freestanding bath can be a central feature, whilst a walk-in shower and double sink are luxurious and eye-catching.

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