By  Kerry Hale

How To Enhance Your Everyday Routine By Spoiling Your Senses

  • Tuesday 26 September 2017
  • 5 minute read

Some people like to chill out in the evening, letting the hectic blur of life slow to a crawl so they’re relaxed and at peace. Others wake up early, and find their bodies crying out for something to revive them and get the day moving. These are what we like to call #MiraMoments.


Whichever type of person you are, you owe it to yourself to find time at the end, beginning or middle of the day to give your body what it needs: a moment just for you. While we can show you how to turn your bathroom into a spa, you need to find the time in your daily routine to actually enjoy it.

To maximise that feeling of blissful serenity or vivacious energy, we’ve explored each of the five senses, and found a way to indulge each of them for maximum effect to enhance your everyday experience.


This is a great place to start. There are so many ways to use smell to enhance your daily shower or bath routine, depending on your needs. Start with your shower gel or soap.

Sandalwood is a great relaxing exotic scent to try when looking for experiencing the ultimate spa feeling. Mandara Spa Amber Heaven Shower Cream smells gorgeous and will go a long way towards helping the stress of the day just drift away.

If you’re looking for something with a little more pep, the Mandara Spa Bali Santi Collection is a great option; includes coconut oil, spices and floral fragrances used in the traditional spa rituals of Bali. 


Lighting is crucial to creating the perfect mood in your bathroom, whether you want to be lulled towards relaxation or stimulated towards peak perkiness – or both at different times.

Install smart lights in your bathroom and you can programme different settings to create the perfect ambience to match your daily shower or bath.

Candles can go a long way towards creating a gentler mood, and they help with catering towards the sense of smell, too.

And if you’re one of those people that cannot sleep without it being pitch black, why not try a satin or silk eye mask when you go to bed? You’ll have an uninterrupted night’s sleep, and wake up feeling relaxed in the morning. You could even invest in a mask with anti-ageing or rejuvenating properties.


Whether you’re relaxing at the end of the day, getting into the groove in the morning or recovering after an intense workout, you want the same sensation from your towels and bathrobes: soft, soft, soft. Don’t skimp on the quality when you’re buying new ones, and follow our guide to washing them in order to keep them gorgeously fluffy.


Everyone finds serenity in different sounds; one person’s noise is another’s symphony. Some people want the news in the morning, other’s need something with serious BPM to get going. Some people relax to ethereal instrumentals, others like a podcast or audio book, and there’s probably someone somewhere who finds Metallica soothing.

Set up your shower with a Mira Moxie shower head and stream whatever works for you through the built-in speaker. We’ve created a range of Spotify playlists to suit all moods for whenever you’re having a shower – just search “mirashowers” in Spotify, and give us a follow to access the playlists.


However good your shower gel or shampoo smells, don’t eat it. Instead, your taste buds will thank you more if you treat them to the perfect invigorating or relaxing recipes. It may seem like one for the kids, but milk is astoundingly good at calming and soothing, as is dark chocolate and nuts.

Herbal teas are also an excellent way to wind down before bed. Try chamomile or green tea for the perfect end to the day. If you’re looking for energy in the morning that will last you right through to lunch, try kicking things off with overnight oatmeal jars with nuts and berries, whole wheat pancakes or eggs, tomatoes and spinach.

What do you turn to in order to make your routine a bit more special? Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter using #MiraMoments.

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