By Kerry Hale

How to Keep Cool in Summer

  • Friday 11 October 2024
  • 3 minute read

Summer can be a wonderful time of the year, but when temperatures soar, it’s important to know how to cool down. Extreme heat can come with health risks, but these can be avoided when you know the best ways to keep cool in summer.

This guide covers some straightforward ways to reduce your body temperature on hot summer days, including ways to stay hydrated and avoid heat exhaustion.

Cold showers are one of the best ways to stay cool, as recommended by the NHS. Shop electric, digital, mixer and power showers at Mira Showers to get ready for the warmer months.

Tips for keeping your home cool

As outside temperatures rise, so does the temperature inside your home. Follow these simple steps to keep your space fresh and breezy, learn how to sleep in hot weather and enjoy the summer without compromising.

1. Use fans or air conditioners

Take care of yourself and your family by plugging in portable fans in summer. Fans can help you keep cool in bed, at the dinner table or while you’re relaxing at night.

You might consider air conditioning if portable fans aren’t powerful enough. Air conditioning systems let you control the temperature inside your home. They’re as common as heating systems in countries with warmer climates.

2. Close curtains and blinds

If the sun shines directly on your windows, close the curtains and blinds to help keep your home cool. Blocking the sunlight helps avoid unwanted heat warming up your home, especially during the middle of the day.

3. Open and close windows at different times of day

Open windows can let fresh air in, helping your home stay cool on hot days. But if the outside temperature is soaring, opening your windows can also let in heat.

Keep windows closed when the temperature outside is hotter than inside. You can use fans or air conditioning to lower the inside temperature. Trap the cool air inside by keeping the windows sealed.

Open windows when the temperature inside is hotter than outside, usually in the early morning or late evening, letting the cooler air circulate. 

Opening multiple windows can create cross ventilation, where fresh air enters through one window and flows through the space out of another, helping to cool your home.

Tips for keeping yourself cool

Lowering your body temperature is a great way to stay cool in summer, and there are a few easy ways to do it at home.

1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to avoid heat exhaustion. The NHS recommends cold food and drinks to keep your body temperature down, including plenty of water on hot days.

2. Cool your wrists

Put cool water on your skin to reduce your body temperature. Running cold tap water over your wrists can help cool you down all over.

3. Take cold showers

Cold or cool showers are a great way to lower your body temperature on hot summer days. If you have an electric shower, you might notice stronger water pressure on warm days when the heating element doesn’t need to work as hard. This can make your cool summer showers even more refreshing!

4. Bathe your feet

Fill a large bowl with cold water and sit with your feet in it to lower your body temperature while relaxing.

5. Apply a cool flannel

Apply a cold, wet flannel to your skin to cool down. Placing the flannel on your wrists, chest, neck, and forehead can help lower your body temperature and refresh you as quickly as possible.

Mira Showers digital showers give you precise temperature control and customisation, your secret weapon for staying cool in summer.

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